The Unified Database containing information about simulated and experimental files was deployed on the NICA cluster. The Web interface for simulation data is presented here. To get list of simulation files met your conditions, special console application was developed: show_simulation_files. To view information about the BM@N experiment and raw data files, you can use the special Web-page here. Also, console utility show_experiment_files was developed to list raw files satisfying given conditions.

Utility show_simulation_files is the part of MpdRoot and BmnRoot software. The utility displays the list of simulation files according to the following optional parameters separated by comma:

  • gen=generator_name – output list includes only simulation files from given event generator.
  • energy=N – output list includes only files with collision energy equal N.
    energy=L-H – output list includes only files with collision energy greater or equal L and lower or equal H.
    energy=L- – output list includes only files with collision energy greater or equal L.
    energy=-H – output list includes only files with collision energy lower or equal H.
  • beam=beam1_particle – output list include only files with given first particle beam.
  • target=beam2_particle – output list include only files with given second particle beam or target.
  • path=part_of_path – output list include only files with given string in the path.
  • desc=text – output list includes only files with the text in description.

The commands: show_simulation_files /? or show_simulation_files -h or show_simulation_files –help show small help for the utility.


  • show_simulation_files gen=QGSM,energy=9,beam=Au,target=Au
  • show_simulation_files gen=urqmd,energy=5-9,desc=50K

Utility show_experiment_files is the part of MpdRoot and BmnRoot software. The utility displays the list of experimental raw files according to the following optional parameters separated by comma:

  • period=N – output list includes only raw files for period number N, period (run period or “big” run) means a set of “small” runs of the experiment during one Nuclotron session.
    period=F-L – output list includes raw files for period numbers from F to L.
    period=F- – output list includes raw files for period numbers greater or equal F.
    period=-L – output list includes raw files for period numbers lower or equal L.
  • run=N – output list includes only raw file for “small” run number N, “small” run is a part of “big” run and corresponds to one raw file.
    run=F-L – output list includes raw files for run numbers from F to L.
    run=F- – output list includes raw files for run numbers greater or equal F.
    run=-L – output list includes raw files for run numbers lower or equal L.
  • energy=N – output list includes raw files with collision energy equal N.
    energy=L-H – output list includes raw files with collision energy greater or equal L and lower or equal H.
    energy=L- – output list includes raw files with collision energy greater or equal L.
    energy=-H – output list includes raw files with collision energy lower or equal H.
  • beam=beam1_particle – output list include raw files with given first particle in collision.
  • target=beam2_particle – output list include raw files with given second particle in collision or target.
  • events=N – output list includes raw files with event count equal N.
    events=L-H – output list includes raw files with event count greater or equal L and lower or equal H.
    events=L- – output list includes raw files with event count greater or equal L.
    events=-H – output list includes raw files with event count lower or equal H.
  • time=N – output list includes only raw file including event for this date and time, datetime format is ‘yyyy-mm-dd 24hh:mm:ss’.
    time=F-L – output list includes raw files including events for this time interval (from F to L).
    time=F- – output list includes raw files including events started after F datetime.
    time=-L – output list includes raw files including events started before L datetime.
  • field=N – output list includes raw files with field current equal N.
    field=L-H – output list includes raw files with field current greater or equal L and lower or equal H.
    field=L- – output list includes raw files with field current greater or equal L.
    field=-H – output list includes raw files with field current lower or equal H.
  • size=N – output list includes raw files which have size equal N.
    size=L-H – output list includes raw files which have size greater or equal L and lower or equal H.
    size=L- – output list includes raw files which have size greater or equal L.
    size=-H – output list includes raw files which have size lower or equal H.
  • path=part_of_path – output list include raw files with given string in the path.

The commands: show_experiment_files /? or show_experiment_files -h or show_experiment_files –help show small help for the utility.


  • show_experiment_files period=5,energy=3-,beam=d,target=C
  • show_experiment_files period=4-5,field=-800