The HybriLIT heterogeneous cluster is a computation component of the Multifunctional center for data storage processing and analysis of LIT JINR, which contains a multicore component and computation accelerators: NVIDIA graphic processors and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. The detailed information on the heterogeneous cluster, rules and registration form can be found on the JINR HybriLIT Web-site.

Please follow the interactive guide on How To Use Clusters

If you have time-consuming tasks, many simple tasks or a lot of files to process, you should use batch system SLURM of the HybriLIT heterogeneous cluster and GOVORUN. For an access to the GOVORUN supercomputer run the following command

module add GVR/v1.0-1

Simple example of user job for SLURM

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8192M  # that much memory for simulation and reconstruction jobs only
#SBATCH --time=3-0:0:0
#SBATCH -p cascade

source /cvmfs/
module add mpdroot

root -l -q -b runMC.C\(\"Path to Your input file\",\"Path to Your output file\",0,1000,kFALSE,0\)
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