The JINR Central Information and Computer Complex is constructed as an uniform information resource for all projects in which the JINR participates. The detailed information on the complex, rules and registration form can be found on the JINR LIT Web-site.
lxmpd-ui machine is available for NICA users. Once you have registered in the LIT complex, you can login with your account for lxpub[01-04] machines:

ssh [username]

Please, carefully read the important notes on the screen. After the first entrance, set the afs password:


To work with the experiment software, you should run the following command after every login:

scl enable devtoolset-4 python27 bash

Users have an additional disk space, except their home directory, by creating own directory named by login of the user in temporary /scr/u/ directory. Also, a shared NFS space was allocated at /opt/exp_soft/mpd directory for NICA users, where you can create and use your working directory:

mkdir /opt/exp_soft/mpd/$USER 
cd /opt/exp_soft/mpd/$USER

 The FairSoft and FairRoot software were installed at the CVMFS file system: /cvmfs/ and /cvmfs/ directories, respectively. You should change SIMPATH (“export SIMPATH=/cvmfs/”) and FAIRROOTPATH (“export FAIRROOTPATH=/cvmfs/”) variables in file of the MpdRoot environment before configuring to use it.

 If you have time-consuming tasks, many simple tasks or a lot of files to process, you can use batch system Torque of the LIT computer complex. If you know how to work with the Torque system (doc index, short Guide), you can use qsub command on the cluster to distribute data processing. Simple example of user job for Torque can be found in ‘macro/mpd_scheduler/examples/batch’ directory in our software. The Torque mpd queue with 200 processors is available for users of the NICA experiments. To use MPD queue, run qsub command with the special option ‘-q’, e.g. qsub -q mpd my_job.qsub.
Also, MPD-Scheduler was developed to simplify running of user tasks without knowledge of Torque. You can discover how to use it here.

  The Central Information and Computer Complex has dCache distributed storage system for storing and processing a large amount of data. In addition to specific protocols HEP (SRM, gFTP), data in dCache can be accessible through NFSv4.1 (pNFS) and via WebDAV. The short Guide on work with the dCache system at JINR is located here.

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