cmake – CMake scripts to compile the MpdRoot software, CMake generates native Makefiles for all supported platforms
core – contains MPD core classes (to be updated)
- mpdBase – base classes of MPD environment such as MpdEvent, MpdVertec, MpdHelix, MpdTrack
- mpdDst
- mpdField – classes to work with magnetic fields
- mpdPassive
- mpdPid
detectors – contains classes of detectors present in MPD, each with its own subdirectory (to be updated)
- bbc
- bmd
- emc
- etof
- ffd
- mcord
- sts
- tof
- tpc
- zdc
gconfig – macros with cuts and settings of particle transport packages (Geant,Fluka…) for event simulation
geometry – files with geometries of the MPD subdetectors in ROOT (.root) or ASCII (.geo) formats
input – text files with different MPD parameters and detector mappings
macro – ROOT macros for simulation, reconstruction and physical analysis tasks (to be refactored).
macros – refactored ROOT macros for simulation, reconstruction and physical analysis tasks.
physics – (to be updated)
reconstruction – ROOT macros for simulation, reconstruction and physical analysis tasks (to be updated)
- kalman – Kalman filter classes to reconstruct particle tracks
- lheTrack
scripts – system scripts
simulation – classes used in MC simulation
- generators – classes of the event generators: UrQMD, Box, Pluto, etc.
- mcDst
- mcStack
tools – various tools used mainly to develop MPDroot framework
- database – C++ database interface for getting data of the MPD experiment
- documentation – files to generate doxygen and reference manual
- eventDisplay – classes for visualization and monitoring of collision events and detector geometries
- tdd – test driven development toolkit