MPD Collaboration MeetingsX: 2022, November 9thOur talks at 12:00-15:30IX: 2022, April 26thOur talks at 14:05-15:55VIII: 2021, October 13thOur talks at 12:00-15:30 VII: 2021, April 22ndOur talks at 13:50-15:25 GRID 20212021, July 6th Our talks at 13:30-15:00 (Computing for Megascience projects)
Original MPD Members
Project leaders: V.D.Kekelidze, A.S.Sorin Editorial board:V.Golovatyuk, V.Kekelidze, V.Kolesnikov, D.Madigozhin, Yu.Murin, V.Nikitin, O.Rogachevsky Internal Referee board:N.Gorbunov, V.Kolesnikov, I.Meshkov, A.Olshevski, Yu.Potrebenikov, N.Topilin, I.Tyapkin, Yu.Zanevsky, A.Kurepin The MPD Collaboration:1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, RF: Kh.U.Abraamyan, S.V.Afanasiev, V.S.Alfeev, N.Anfimov, V.A.Babkin, S.N.Bazylev, D.Blaschke, D.N.Bogoslovsky, I.V.Boguslavski, A.V.Butenko, V.V.Chalyshev, S.P.Chernenko, V.F.Chepurnov, Vl.F.Chepurnov, G.A.Cheremukhina, I.E.Chirikov-Zorin, D.E.Donetz, Read more…
How To Install MPDRoot (legacy method)
1. DEPENDENCIES INSTALLATION Before installing MpdRoot make sure that the packages from the following link are installed on your system! Additionally, you must install: fftw3-devel, eigen3-devel, gtest-devel, python3-pip (Red Hat based OS), or fftw3-dev, libeigen3-dev, libgtest-devel, python3-pip (Debian based OS) as normal user pip install –user pipx && pipx Read more…
Software Development Team
Software coordinator Rogachevsky Oleg / Database, distributed computing Moshkin Andrey / Event reconstruction Zinchenko Alexander / TPC simulation Bychkov Alexander / TOF simulation Lobastov Sergey / FHCal simulation Golubeva Marina / ECal simulation Martemianov Maxim / ITS simulation Kondratev Valeri / EventDisplay Krylov Victor, Krylov Alexander / Read more…
Running MPDRoot locally using aliBuild
Running MPDRoot locally using aliBuild (advanced users) Questions? Click here INSTALL & ENTER TOOLBOX WITHOUT CVMFS USE ON LOCAL MACHINE DEVELOP ON LOCAL MACHINE