FairSoft Package

Many physics packages are necessary for the MpdRoot environment. Some of them can be installed using the package manager of the Linux distribution, but many others have to be installed from sources.To make the installation procedure as easy as possible an additional package called FairSoft is provided by FAIR collaboration.This Read more…

Organization of the Guide

1. General Information This section contains general information about the MPD experiment and the MpdRoot environment, including the purposes, points of contact, and acronyms and abbreviations. 2. Installation The second section points to installation methods of the MpdRoot framework based on your particular needs. 3. MpdRoot Structure This section contains Read more…

Purposes of the MpdRoot framework

The software and computing parts of the MPD project is responsible for the activities including design, evaluation and calibration of the detector; storing, access, reconstruction and analysis of the data; and development and maintenance of a distributed computing infrastructure for physicists engaged in these tasks. To support the MPD experiment, Read more…

The MPD experiment at the NICA project

Heavy  ion  collisions  at  high  energies  provide  a  unique  opportunity  to  study  the  nuclear matter  under extreme  density  and  temperature.  These  extreme  conditions  are  well  suited  to  the investigation  of the  compressibility  of  the  nuclear matter,  in  particular,  the  stiffness  of  the nuclear equation-of-state (EOS). The theoretical models suggest different Read more…

MpdRoot Start Guide

GENERAL INFORMATION The Mpd experiment at the NICA project Purposes of the Mpdroot framework Points of Contact Organization of the Guide INSTALLATION Installation Methods MPDROOT STRUCTURE  MpdRoot Directories SIMULATION AND RECONSTRUCTION TASKS Virtual Monte Carlo Event Generators Simulation of the Mpd experiment Mpd event reconstruction Analysis tutorial UNIFIED DATABASE FOR Read more…

How to install MpdRoot

Before installing MpdRoot make sure that the following packages are installed on your system! Install packages needed for RedHat-based OS (eg, Scientific Linux): suyum install subversion git make cmake gcc-gfortran gcc-c++ binutils file patch redhat-lsb-core libX11-devel libXmu-devel libXpm-devel libXft-devel libXext-devel mesa-libGLU-devel libxml2-devel expat-devel zlib-devel postgresql-devel mysql-devel openssl-devel curl-devel automake libtool Read more…


 The JINR Central Information and Computer Complex is constructed as an uniform information resource for all projects in which the JINR participates. The detailed information on the complex, rules and registration form can be found on the JINR LIT Web-site. lxmpd-ui machine is available for NICA users. Once you have Read more…

How to use

How to use NICA cluster of LHEP. To obtain account for the NICA cluster it is necessary to fill the registration form. Please follow the interactive guide on How To Use Clusters The rules of the using the NICA cluster: Now each user have new home-dir: /eos/lhep/username WITH QUOTA up Read more…